Thank You
For joining us, praying for us, and fellow-shipping with us at the
2019 Prayer Dinner Benefit
On Friday, October 11, 2019 over 170 friends, neighbors, leaders, brothers and sisters in Christ came together at Normandie Farm restaurant to celebrate a year in the ministry of Good Samaritan Advocates.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
-Proverbs 31:8-9
Keynote speaker: Claude Allen
Claude has served as Senior Vice-President of Gerard Health Foundation, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Most importantly, he currently serves as Director of GSA's clinic at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility in Clarksburg, MD, where he provides legal and spiritual counsel to inmates and former inmates. We are excited to hear from Claude about how God has been working in his life and the lives of the inmates there.
Listen to an excerpt from Claude Allen’s keynote speech at the 2019 Prayer Dinner Benefit for Good Samaritan Advocates Christian Legal Aid Ministry.
Thousands of people cannot afford the high cost of living and fall through the cracks in the suburban metro DC each year. Many of them face injustices from unscrupulous landlords, employers, and others who take advantage of them. To help our neighbors in need, Good Samaritan Advocates (GSA) provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals in our region. To date, our pro bono attorneys have provided over $2 million worth of free legal services to the poor.