2020 Prayer Benefit
Each fall, Good Samaritan Advocates hosts a gathering of volunteers, supporters, and new friends for time together in communion with God. This year we weren’t able to meet in person, but we had a wonderful evening of inspiration and praying together. We invite you to watch recordings of the following presentations from our Nov. 19, 2020 Virtual Prayer Benefit, and ask you to prayerfully consider a donation to help expand the legal aid ministry of GSA (see below for details).
Good Samaritan Advocates volunteers share their experiences of serving in GSA clinics.
Keynote speaker Tom Tarrants (see bio below) shares his life story “Nothing is Impossible with God” at the GSA Prayer Benefit, with an introduction by Reagan Demas, GSA Board Chair.
Claude Allen responds to Tom Tarrants' talk and shares about serving GSA clients in a year of turmoil.
GSA Treasurer Eka Fleming speaks on "The Power of ONE".
Featuring Speaker:
Tom Tarrants
As a student in the 1960s, Tom was seduced by extremist ideology and became involved in Mississippi's dreaded White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. After attempting to bomb the home of a Jewish leader, Tom was shot multiple times and arrested by police, then sentenced to 30 years in prison. After recovering from near-fatal wounds, Tom and two other inmates escaped. An FBI SWAT team tracked them down and Tom spent the next three years alone in a 6'x9' cell. During that time Tom began a search for truth that led him to faith in Jesus Christ and being liberated from racial hate and violence.
Tom eventually served as co-pastor of a racially-mixed church in Washington, DC., 9 years as Director of the Washington Area Fellows Program, and 12 years as President of the C.S. Lewis Institute, from which he retired in June 2019. Tom holds a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Christian Spirituality. His life story is told in "Consumed by Hate, Redeemed by Love."
Join GSA to hear Tom's testimony of being redeemed by the love of Jesus!
Join us to hear a powerful testimony from a former KKK terrorist who found redemption through the love of Christ, the same love that GSA provides to clients through our legal aid ministry.
"A riveting narrative... This is the path from burning crosses to the cross of Christ himself, from raging hate to amazing grace." - Russell Moore, President Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention
Please help us raise support for a new Executive Director to take GSA’s ministry to the next level! Our prayer is to greatly expand the impact we make on the needy in our communities, but we are able to do so only through the generosity of our donors.
All gifts through 2020 will be matched up to $20,000! Please consider what you can do to help expand our legal ministry to low-income clients in dire life situations such as domestic abuse, evictions by unfair landlords, and workers being cheated of their wages.
GSA receives no government grants or assistance, and relies solely on the support of people like you. All of your gifts are greatly appreciated.
All new monthly donors and anyone who donates $100 or more in 2020 will receive a gift copy of Tom Tarrant’s book, “Consumed by Hate, Redeemed by Love: How a Violent Klansmen Became a Champion of Racial Reconciliation”